Bringing together independent yarn dyers, producers of single origin wool, inspirational tutors and lecturers, and all fibre crafters for an award nominated yarn festival in perthshire, Scotland.


Welcome to the scottish yarn festival

Established in 2016, The Scottish Yarn Festival has previously been known as Perth Festival of Yarn. 

We are Scotland’s largest and longest continuously running contemporary yarn and fibre festival.

Over the last 8 years we have welcomed the very best independent businesses from across the UK and EU to our thoughtfully curated Vendors’ Gallery Marketplace.  Our illustrious tutors and lecturers have included Amy Palko, Di Gilpin, and Jeanette Sloan BEM.   Each year we put together a fringe programme of social events which have included books signings, gala dinners and fashions shows, and Perthshire gin flights.  The level of detail, innovation and passion we craft into each offering is why we are not only an award nominated destination festival, but also the reasons why you join us from – on average – 20 different countries every year.

Our next Festival – our 10th!! – will take place on 30 – 31 August 2025 at Perth Concert Hall.  Tickets will be released in the summer.  If you are an international tour group operator please email to book your tickets directly.  Our next event is the Scottish Wool Producers Showcase on 22 March 2025.  This event will be held at the Civic Hall & Council Chambers, Perth.  Tickets go on sale at 7pm GMT on 7 February on our website.

Vendor applications for our 2025 Festival will open in February.  You can contact us at with your business name to register your interest now.  Vendor opportunities at the Scottish Wool Producers Showcase are by invitation only.



Our Scottish Wool Producers Showcase event will return to a new location – in Perth – on 22 March 2025.

Founded in 2022 the Scottish Wool Producers Showcase seeks to shine a spotlight on yarns with a distinctly Scottish origin and their makers.  Featuring a boutique marketplace celebrating Scotland’s single farm yarns, shepherds, mills, and more, as well as inspiring presentations.

The below images are a selection from our previous Showcases.