After 30 years working in Financial Services, keeping herself sane by always having some knitting nearby, Susan Anderson finally realised that she wanted to knit for work, promote Scottish textiles, and try to understand why Scottish wool has such a low value. Believing others would feel as she did, she founded The Journal of Scottish Yarns, a bi-annual print and digital magazine which focuses on the community, history, culture, and creativity of textiles in Scotland. Each issue contains a number of substantial in-depth articles as well as patterns for knitting, crochet, and other textile disciplines.
Join Susan for an inspirational talk on what drove her to realise this project, her personal highlights since holding the first issue in her hands, and what is next for her in her bid to continue championing the vast, rich, tapestry of ‘yarns’, both stories and textiles from our shores.
- Date and time: Saturday 9 September, 2pm
- Duration: 45 mins – 1 hour
- Venue: The Dewars Centre
- Cost: £10.00